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Selamat datang di blog yang diciptakan khusus untuk penggemar Power Rangers di Indonesia. Kami menjual DVD Power Rangers dari Mighty Morphin sampai SPD dengan harga 20.000/sesi power ranger (2 dvd) di luar ongkos kirim. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut silahkan hubungi 081703018812 :)

Jumat, 18 Maret 2011

Operation Overdrive


The "crown of the Gods" has been discovered and the dark forces are searching for the seven missing jewels. If found and placed in the crown, evil will be unstoppable. Five brave teens set out on an exciting global treasure hunt to track down and find these long-lost jewels. Their quest will be filled with mind-crunching puzzles to decode, action, adventures, and spectacular battles. The jewels must be found and secured. Our world and the entire universe's fate rests in the hands of the "Power Rangers: Operation Overdrive."

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